A 223 page book listing families living in Logan County West Virginia in 1900. 1205 households describing family members relationship to head of household, month and year of birth, occupation, and number of children. Mothers have number of children born and number of children living. Includes a list of household locations. Devil Anse Hatfield family is listed on page 160. Some of family names include Abbott, Adams, Adkins, Baisden, Ball, Barker, Belcher, Bennett, Bias, Blankenship, Blevins, Brown, Browning, Bryant, Burgess, Burns, Butcher, Caldwell, Carter, Chapman, Conley, Craddock, Curry, Dalton, Dempsey, Deskins, Dingess, Ellis, Farley, Farmer, Ferrell, Fillinger, Fowler, Fry, Gilman, Godby, Gore, Hager, Hainer, Hatfield, Hensley, Hill, Jeffrey, Justice, Lilly, Lowe, Lucas, McCoy, McDonald, McNeely, Meade, Meadows, Mullins, Nelson, Perry, Pridemore, Robinson, Sheppard, Stollings, Thompson, Vance, White, Workman, and many, many others.